5️⃣ traffic sources I tried that didn’t work for me🧎‍♂️

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

Here are some of the traffic strategies I tried since I started in 2008 until now that didn’t work for me (some worked briefly before stopped working):

Pay per view traffic – its when you pop ads on computers with adware. It’s still a relatively cheap form of traffic mostly used in health markets because it delivers mostly older crowd who download apps without understanding they’re getting malware and adware on their machines. Naturally, those aren’t “bright” buyers. Traffic is cheap but so is its quality.

Twitter traffic – I built several twitter accounts to the size of 24,000 followers. I got barely any clicks. I used software to do it as well as reciprocal following (where I followed someone expecting them to follow me back). Probably biggest waste of my time ever.
Facebook (free) – similar to Twitter, I befriended people in my niche and wanted to get to know them. I came across as a creep who randomly approached people. I didn’t make friends. I didn’t make money.

Google (free) – I built a blog and optimized it over the course of 8 months. I started getting some traffic. Couple of hundred visitors per day. I placed an opt in form on the right sidebar but only built a list of 1,000 people in those 8 months. When I mailed it, I’ve had 3 people open and 1 click. I scraped the list and started over with a traffic source that got me super-responsive email subscribers instead.

Google (paid) – I uploaded my first ad and got banned. That was it. Next time I tried Adwords, I had advertised my solo ad agency. It was nothing like I thought it would be. There are so many things that are just wrong about it, biggest being – price. I’m now paying $7 per click for a keyword “solo ad.” And it’s not even a popular keyword. Keywords such as work from home or make money online cost $20 per click. I can’t afford that. Can you?

Facebook (paid) – this strategy worked briefly. For a short time I ran a high ticket coaching offer on Facebook. I broke even selling $8,000 item. Most of the leads I generated off Facebook never opened my emails or knew who I was. I learned that social traffic has an “escape” mindset. They’re trying to escape from decisions. Buying decisions, life decisions, all decisions. And then I got banned. Then I tried again and got banned again. After getting banned for the 6th time, I gave up and moved away from Facebook completely to find a traffic source that’s 20 times more profitable than Facebook ads…

These are just some of traffic sources I tried.

They all suck for one reason or another.

This traffic source I’m using now doesn’t suck

It’s price isn’t going up. It doesn’t limit you with regulations or landing page requirements.

I used it to build a 4,331,656 email opt in list and I broke even.
It has none of the downsides of the traffic sources listed above and nearly all of the upsides.


Igor Kheifets & clientName

🤔 what traffic budget do you really need to 👍 succeed with affiliate marketing?

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

Since I started teaching people how to use paid trufik to build an email list to promote products, I’ve been getting the same question on weekly basis from students.

It goes something like this…

“Igor, how much money do I invest in truhfeek, if I do everything you tell me, to start making sales? What should my budget be? I ask because I’ve got $500 to spend and I need to start making money or I have to quit this bizniz.”

This is typical mush cookie mindset that always leads to one outcome – they run out of money and go looking for another scheme to play with.

If you want better answers, start asking better questions.

This question is bad because it assumes there is a magic amount of money you can spend that guarantees results. But there is no such thing.

Just like there is no magic number of dates you need to have before you can marry someone.

Just like there is no magic number of trips to the gym before you develop a sharp-cut six pack.

Just like there is no magic number of training sessions before you become a jiujitsu blackbelt.

Here’s the real answer to this question.

The problem with above question and any question like it is its looking for a set amount of buckeroos a person could budget for one-time. But getting people to visit your link doesn’t work like that. More important than the actual amount of money is the consistency with which you apply it.

It’s all about momentum.

So if you’ve got $1,000 in your ad budget and you burn through it and you stop – you’ve lost a grand and the time you invested. But if you’ve got $100 per week, and you’re staying consistent for months – this is when you will see results because you’re building an email list and a momentum.


Just like parenting, marriage, nutrition and all the other really important stuff in your life, generating leads is a continuous process requiring a long term attitude. If you’re looking for a way to invest $500 and get $2,000 back to pay rent or something – you shouldn’t be trying to build an online business. You should unsubscribe from this email list, leave the Facebook groups you joined last week and get back to looking for a stable job. Good luck with that in the midst of the Coronavirus outbreak though.

If you’d like to build a big profitable email list, get ok with the idea of an ongoing budget.

Armed with this mindset, I invite you to watch this video where I share the traffic source I’ve used to build a 4,356,314 email list.

This strategy is putting quality email subscribers on my list who are buying products I promote.


“Sounds Good, Igor, Please Show Me!”


video about traffic

Igor Kheifets & clientName

how I lost 49,850.60 on Google ads

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

Here’s a screenshot from my Adwords account showing a combined adZpend on paid Search and YouTube PPC campaigns (enable images):


my adwords bill

I spent 185,850.60 on the Google adz network.

I shelled out an average 10.16 per optin to my lead magnet funnel.

I generated 136 sales (before refunds).

My average sale on this campaign is 1,000 price point.

This means I lost 49,850.60 upfront.

I probably wasted even more, considering my expenses + time + refunds.

I would estimate in the range of 65,000 or so.

So the question then becomes…


Yeah, sure it is, but there’s an “if…”

For example, if my average customer value is 10,000 and if I’m comfortable to wait 12 months to recoup that investment. In such case, I will be driving this traffic all day long, because my profits allow me to spend a lot of money to get one customer.

This is the model most huge advertisers follow. It’s why they’re able to greatly outspend their competitors. They’re playing the long term game here, while the small timers are looking for immediate returns.

But what if I’m not rich?

What if I need to make my advertising dollars work this week?

What if I’m not marketing products that cost thousands of dollars?

In that case – hard no! It’s anything but scalable for you.

And I wouldn’t recommend using Adwords to market your bizniz if you’re selling products that pay small commissions on a budget.

I would instead recommend you follow my advice in the new presentation I put together for you where I explain how I’m driving up to 15,862 clicks per day using a different trufik source.

It’s cheaper than Google pay per click. It’s cheaper than FB. It’s more responsive than all of them.

But that’s not why I recommend it.

There’s one more thing that makes it an absolute no brainer.





https://test.kheifets.hop.clickbank.net/?cbpage=efarmingxnew traffic source way better than adwords

Igor Kheifets & clientName

United States of Traffic

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

Every citizen of the United States of Traffic is residing in one of the two counties.

Click County

Internet marketers living here are stressed out and anxious. They wake up in the morning wondering where the next click is going to come from. They’re hectically writing articles by the dozens each week in hopes to attract eyeballs through the search engines. They sacrifices goats to Google and conduct Shaman ceremonies to please the Almighty Social Media goddess of Zucherberriah. Most of the inhabitants of this country are broke and frustrated. They dream of one day being able to quit their boring jobs, but are quickly losing all hope because their click-getting methods aren’t working. They’re desperate to try any shiny object that comes on the market promoting fast and free traffic.

Lead Land

People of Lead Land know no shortage of targeted leads. They possess the skill to systematically flood any website with targeted leads with automated methods. They’re not afraid to take small calculated risks with their budgets, because they’re following a proven system to attract, qualify and convert quality leads. Virtually any project launched by a Lead Lander is destined to thrive sooner rather than later. These people don’t believe in traffic voodoo such as social media and search engine optimization. They’ve long moved past these ancient methods to create faster, cheaper, more scalable, more stable traffic source.


Where are you hanging out these days?

Are you a click countryman/countrywoman or a lead lander?

If you’re stuck in Click Country territory, you need to watch this new video I released about my #1 traffic source I’m using to build a huge email list full of targeted responsive subscribers right now. I’ve used this traffic source to generate 967,822 clicks per month working roughly 60 minutes a week on my computer.


united states of traffic

Igor Kheifets & clientName

P.S. United States of Traffic video comes down soon. Don’t sit on your hands!

simple arithmetics

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

I struggled with math in the 1st grade.

It seemed scary and confusing. All those numbers and symbols. I just didn’t get it.

Until I levelled up to the 2nd grade where we had a different teacher, who sat me down one time and filled the gaps. From that moment I knew math wasn’t hard, as long as I made the effort to get the explanations I needed to bridge those spaces.

Unknown things are terrifying, because they’re perplexing. Until they’re not.

And then you can’t even go back to “not knowing” it anymore. A lot like riding a bicycle I guess.

Anything I’ve struggled to understand in my life always petrified me, until someone explained it to me in a way I could wrap my mind around it.

Many of my students fall into the same pattern when it comes to trying to figure out IM.

So allow me to do for you what my math teacher did for me… but with traffic!

There are 3 ways to get customers using the interwebz.

1) You can EARN IT by creating lots of content.

Think bloggers, social media influencers, writers, YouTubers and anyone who uploads material on daily or hourly basis.

They’re throwing “digital fuel” at this big monster called the web and it’s swallowing it whole every day. Some of these creators get lots of hits. Most people who try this strategy though never hit critical mass to accumulate any decent hitflow.

Plus, the quality of the visits is questionable. I tried earning my trufik for the first 3 years online. I never worked harder in my life. And I’ve never gotten so little in return.

2) You can BUY IT from Google or Facebook or some other network.

Straight up. Spend a dollar and get a click. Pure and simple transaction.

The benefit of this approach, when it works, is that you can scale it. But the downside is it’s expensive. It also requires massive time investment to optimize it to a point where you ought to hire an agency to manage the whole operation.

I’ve had success with this approach. I was finally able to drive viziteers and make money. It was really scary, though, because it required me to commit funds upfront without any confidence in the result. I lost oodles trying to figure out paid ads but it produced great dividends for me.

I gotta say however, when I started with PPC traffic, it was much simpler than it is today. I used to just turn it on and watch it produce. It’s different now. It’s harder now. It’s more expensive now. It’s more technical. Not as simple as it used to be.

I still put upwards of 100,000 a year in this trufik, but it’s not my primary method anymore.

3) You can BORROW IT from Lead Banks.

This little known way of generating clicks allows you to pinch the best prospects from other people (we call them Lead Bounty Hunters) for an affordable predictable fee.

This way you don’t have to work for it, because you get it really fast and at the same time it’s relatively cheap, compared to SGRoogle and Flakebook.

These visitors are of much higher quality than social media ones. There’s no need for optimization or split testing. It’s a set it and forget it kind of setup.

Wanna hear something else? You don’t pay upfront. You get charged only after you get the trrafeek and only for the prospects that converted.


“This Sounds Exciting, Please Tell Me How It Works, Igor”


how to borrow traffic from other people

Igor Kheifets & clientName

more quality traffic fast

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

When I was just getting going with my bizdniz, everyone was running around with their hair on fire about the very first SGRoogle algorythm update that sent millions of websites that were ranking high up the SERPs into the waste basket.

Then the same happened to Adwords and people started having their accounts suspended left, right and center.

Soon Facetube followed suite and started kicking people out the front door. Some people even lost their personal profiles trying to get back on the network.

The history books of IM are full of examples of how industry changes wiped tons of people out (while making a small group of others reech).

Well… whadya know? It’s that time again. Trufik is changing and affiliates are being left behind. If you don’t want to be pushed to the sidelines, you need to know what’s going on.

If you want more targeted visitors, you need to watch this video I’ve just put together for you.

In this video I talk about how I’ve been driving hundreds of thousands of clicks every single month using a little-known new source that’s killing it for me right now.

I believe we’re facing a crisis right now and I raise several issues that simply can’t be ignored anymore. Then I propose a solution in a form of an automated targeted traffic source you’re probably not using right now, because no one ever told you about it.


“Give Me The Details, Igor”

state of internet traffic

Igor Kheifets & clientName

traffic is changing (again)

Hey, It’s Igor on behalf of clientName

Everything changes.

We used to wash our clothes with a washboard in the same lake where we got our drinking water, but now we use washing machines to save time.

We used to hold a candle in the dark, but now we turn on the light switch.

We used to walk places, but now we drive there.

To the same extent, nothing ever stays the same. Especially the good things.

Example out of my own life…

I’ve got a bit of a rep for being world’s #1 solo preacher.

For good reason.

They got me to a great start, after years of trial and error. To this day, I’m grateful for discovering them and helping spread the word about them to the entire internet marketing community.

S0l0 adz are great for beginners and veterans alike. I buy ’em, I sell ’em and I teach my students how to use them effectively.


Solo ads changed. They used to be easier. They used to be less saturated. There used to be less fraud. They used to be more consistent. More scalable. Compared to the solos I used when I started, these ones are different. They require higher level of expertise to analyze the flow and weed out the crap. They’re trickier. They’re more dangerous. There’s higher risk.

But what if I said there was a different trufik source that’s making a huge difference for me that’s not s0lo azz? And what if I said this new technique was safe and affordable and predictable like no other before it?



problem with solo ads

Igor Kheifets & clientName